2023年9月30日 星期六


Alex W. Palmer,「這是一種戰爭行為」:解碼美國對華晶片封鎖行動 ( ‘An Act of War’: Inside America’s Silicon Blockade Against China ),《紐約時報中文網》, 2023年7月13日。

During the height of the Cold War, when export controls to the Soviet bloc were at their strictest, B.I.S. was a critical hub in the Western defenses, processing up to 100,000 export licenses annually. During the relative peace and stability of the 1990s, the bureau lost some of its raison d’être — as well as staff and funding — and licenses shriveled to roughly 10,000 per year. Today, the number is 40,000 and climbing. With a sprawling trade blacklist known as the entity list (😍currently 662 pages and counting), numerous pre-existing multilateral export-control agreements and ongoing actions against Russia and China, B.I.S. is busier than ever. “We spend 100 percent of our time on Russia sanctions, another 100 percent on China and the other 100 percent on everything else,” says Matt Borman, the deputy assistant secretary of commerce for export administration.

在冷戰最激烈的時期,對蘇聯陣營的出口管制最為嚴格,BIS作為西方國防的重要樞紐,每年處理多達10萬個出口許可證。在1990年代相對和平穩定的時期,BIS失去了一些存在的理由,也失去了一些人員和資金,許可證數量減少到每年大約1萬個。如今,這一數字已達到4萬,並且還在不斷增加。BIS比以往任何時候都更加忙碌,它有一份龐大的貿易黑名單——即實體名單(entity list currently 662 pages and counting 目前有662頁,並且還在不斷增加)、眾多先前存在的多邊出口管制協議以及針對俄羅斯和中國的持續行動。

🎯實體名單(entity list currently 662 pages and counting 目前有662頁,並且還在不斷增加)

🎯實體名單(entity list )

ipe2020 電影選擇

  ipe2020 電影選擇