2018年6月29日 星期五



川普當總統上任第一天,就退了TPP,接著就是巴黎氣候協議( Paris climate agreement), 聯合國教科文組織( UNESCO ),再就是人權理事會。此外,川普還退了《移民問題全球契約》、退了伊核協議( Iran nuclear agreement.)。

This is another withdrawal after the withdrawal of the United States, the UNESCO (UNESCO), the Paris climate agreement, the cross the Atlantic partnership (TPP), and the Iran nuclear agreement.










In June 19th, United States Secretary of state Pompeio and the United States ambassador to the United Nations, Hali, held a press conference to announce the formal withdrawal of the United States from the United Nations Human Rights Council. This is another withdrawal after the withdrawal of the United States, the UNESCO (UNESCO), the Paris climate agreement, the cross the Atlantic partnership (TPP), and the Iran nuclear agreement.

The United Nations Human Rights Council, United Nations Human Rights Council, or UNHRC, is an intergovernmental body in the United Nations system, which is responsible for strengthening and protecting human rights around the world and improving the situation of human rights violations in all countries, and puts forward countermeasures. UNHRC headquarters is located at the United Nations Office in Geneva.

At present, it consists of 47 member States elected by the general assembly of the United Nations ( General Assembly ). The number dropped to 46 after the withdrawal of the United States.
It is worth noting that the United States has also made it the first member state to voluntarily withdraw since the establishment of the United Nations Human Rights Council, and has become a country that clearly refuses to participate in the meetings and deliberations of the Council.

The United States has been criticized for announcing no play

At a news conference on Tuesday, Haley called the UN Human Rights Council a hypocritical, selfish institution. In her statement, she said earlier this year, the United Nations Human Rights Council had passed five relevant resolutions on Israel, which was even more than the sum of the DPRK, Iran and Syria resolutions. She believes that this disproportionate phenomenon proves that the Human Rights Council is driven by political prejudice rather than human rights.

In 2017, she accused the Human Rights Council of anti Israeli prejudice, not really for the support of human rights, and declared that the United States would reconsider its position in the Human Rights Council and would rely on its own efforts to reshape the legitimacy of the Council.

The announcement of the withdrawal of the United States was a cause. Recently, Trump announced that a new anti - smuggling policy would be implemented on the United States and Mexico border, and once the smuggling was found to enter the United States, the American border police would arrest them, and minors would be sent to a special minors shelter, while adults would be sent to other institutions to wait for repatriation. This policy will break up the family and cause the separation of flesh and blood.

Although this policy is consistent with Trumps persistent opposition to immigration, it is also a matter of helplessness to deal with the influx of Mexico immigrants in the United States, but it is hard to criticize such a tough policy.

ZeidRa ad, chairman of the UN Human Rights Council, criticized the policy as unconscionable. A series of human rights organizations also strongly condemned the decision of the United States.

The John Sifton of Human Rights Watch, a nonprofit organization, makes it clear that the United States seems to be concerned only with Israel, and if the Trump administration constantly complains that the Human Rights Council is full of political prejudices, they are more They ve just made it more so.

As a special defense of the Trump administration, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu warmly welcomed the decision of the United States on Twitter: the decision to leave this biased entity is a clear explanation.

The opposition in the United States has risen sharply, and even the presidents wife, mainya, has been rarely involved in political issues for the first time, openly in the media that he does not support the practice of her husband.

The United States once followed the wind in the Human Rights Council. It often launched a review of the human rights situation in other countries and made irresponsible remarks on other countries. But this time, because of Israels criticism of the Human Rights Council last year, the US immigration policy was also named, which made the United States unable to swallow it. The United States has chosen the most direct way: I am not playing.

Mike Pompeo, Secretary of state, commented at the press conference that the Human Rights Council is now a hindrance to the progress of human rights and a threat to the United States. If an organization will destroy our national interests and our allies, we will not be the conspiracy of the organization, we will not compromise and remain silent.

Trump continues to challenge the international order

The UN Human Rights Council has become another international organization or international agreement after Trump came to power. The list has already been on the list of UNESCO, the United Nations Paris climate change conference, the Iran nuclear agreement and the trans Pacific Partnership TPP.

Again and again, Jean Trumps attempt to challenge the existing international order is obvious. Trumps dissatisfaction with the existing international order is already an open secret. He believes that climate change is a false proposition, which is used to defraud US funding and scientific research results, and then withdraw from the climate change agreement.

He believes that the Iran nuclear agreement is not in the interests of the United States, and although he himself is not clear about what the national interests of the United States on this issue is, it has withdrawn from the Iran nuclear agreement.

He felt that the trans Pacific Partnership could not benefit the economy and trade of the United States. Instead, it was a country of other participation, regardless of their persuasion, leaving the TPP and making a small partner fool.

He felt that China had benefited too much from the Sino US trade and had to change the situation, thus opening up a trade war with China. Today, it is discovered that a United Nations agency dares to criticize his immigration policy.

Trump has just taken several steps to challenge the international order. The United Nations Human Rights Council will never be the last international organization to quit. After the big break, Trumps Da Li has just begun.

The new order in his mind is not clear at present, but in China, the EU, Japan, Korea, Canada and other countries in succession to the United States, to establish such a new order, only to be difficult to go to the blue sky. Will Trump, who wants to establish a new international order, achieve his vision in the next four years?

The United States announces its withdrawal from the United Nations Human Rights Council: there is political bias.

Local time 19, United States Secretary of state Pompeio and the United States permanent representative of Nikki Hely held a conference, said the United Nations Human Rights Council has political bias, and announced the United States withdrawal from the United Nations Human Rights Council.



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