2017年9月11日 星期一

Historical Oil Prices Chart

Starting in 1946 the inflation adjusted price of oil was $18.33 per barrel. After climbing sharply for a couple of years, it stayed relatively steady and in fact steadily (albeit slowly) declined in inflation adjusted terms until 1973. From there prices exploded until 1980 when the bubble burst and prices returned to "normal" however they were much more volatile from then on. 

 InflationData: Historical Oil Prices Chart

The major peaks occurred in December 1979 at $121.28, October 1990 at $63.61, and June 2008 at $141.32 (all inflation adjusted to 2017 dollars). Another interesting item to note is that the inflation adjusted average price has been increasing. The average for the entire period from 1946 to present is $43.24 but the average since 1980 is $54.27 and the the average since 2000 is $63.41.  This may be the result of increased extraction costs as it becomes harder to find and requires much greater technology to get to it.  
The absolute peak occurred in June 2008 with the highest inflation adjusted monthly average crude oil price of $141.32 / barrel. From there we see one of the sharpest drops in history. Note that the fall from the 1979 peak took until 1986 (7 years) to fall as much (percentage wise) as it lost in only six months from 2008-2009.


雷根政府在1983年提出「戰略防禦計畫」( SDI ),由於當時美蘇聯兩國在核戰的共識為「相互保證毀滅」,而雷根總統提出「戰略防禦計畫」目的為飛彈防禦政策,並投入龐大經費於此,然而蘇聯軍事技術尚未達到「戰略防禦計畫」之水準,因此,在經濟壓力之下,蘇聯決定與美國政府在軍備裁減方面談判,目的在於以雷根政府取消「戰略防禦計畫」,不過雷根堅持「戰略防禦計畫」非談判籌碼,然而,蘇聯首先讓步,決定與美國簽署《中程核武條約》。

In nominal terms, we see a fall from $126.33 in June 2008 to $31.04 in February 09 but by June 09 oil is back to $61.46 and by April of 2011 it was back to $102.15. Fortunately, from there it decreased down to $76.90 in September but then started increasing again. The average for the year 2011 was $87.04. 2012 was very close with the nominal average price being $86.46. Crude oil prices rose in 2013 to an average price of $91.17. The first 11 months of 2014 had an average price of $89.08 but December's sharp drop brought the annual average price down to $85.60. 

The average nominal price for 2015 was $41.85.




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