2021年4月21日 星期三


 ▃《2021年戰略競爭法​》(Strategic Competition Act of 2021)▃ 


This subtitle may be cited as the “Countering Chinese Communist Party Malign Influence Act”
對抗中共惡性影響法 (Countering Chinese Communist Party Malign Influence Act)
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Shown Here:Introduced in Senate (04/15/2021)
但由草案內容來看,名為與中國競爭,實則採取步驟壓制中國的威脅、與中國對抗。開宗明義表明全案目的在處理「涉及中華人民共和國的議題」。見立法理由(findings)。 川普(Donald Trump)總統時代的各項政策聲明由美國優先(America First)的角度出發,《2021戰略競爭法》更以「中國顛覆國際秩序」做為基礎。拜登競選時,聲稱「會讓中國遵守國際規則行事」,如今直指中(共)國的意圖就是改變國際秩序,想必是受到就任數月以來與中(共)國的交手的經驗,中(共)國不但不接受普世人權,反而制裁歐美各國挺身指控要查新冠病毒來源的國家及人員。習近平成了各國積極抗中的最大推手。

2021戰略競爭法》由參議院外交係委員會主席、民主黨籍梅南德茲 (Bob Menendez,見圖)與共和黨籍的瑞許(Jim Risch)聯名提出。

According to Menendez, key elements of the 280-page piece of legislation include:

1 Bolstering American diplomatic strategy to deal with challenges presented by Beijing and strengthening alliances in the Indo-Pacific region


2 Enacting human rights and civil society measures to back democracy in Hong Kong and punish human rights violations in Xinjiang, such as forced labor and forced sterilization


3 Countering and combatting China's "predatory international economic behavior" by taking steps to track China's intellectual property violations, government subsidies, and use of Hong Kong to avoid U.S. export controls, and to monitor Chinese firms in U.S. capital markets


4 Urging increased coordination with allies on countering the PLA's growing might and requiring reports on Chinese military advances in a broad range of areas


該法案並未小看中國,而是把中(共)國當成可敬的對手,將與中(共)國的競爭當成首要的對外關係優先事項(top foreign policy priority)預期與中(共)國進行長期的政治、經濟、科技與軍事的競爭。關於美國此項立法,看看新加坡人的看法。
新加坡聯合早報社论:美中逼近新冷戰臨界點,新加坡聯合早報,2021年4月12日。 https://www.zaobao.com.sg/forum/editorial/story20210412-1138680



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